Stop Doing These Things if You Want to Be Happier at Work

Blink-182 said it best – “work sucks, I know.” Work tends to be more stressful than enjoying most of the time. Sure, if it’s a toxic work environment there may not be much you can do to change that minus quitting. But sometimes, you can control your happiness at work.

There are some things you may be doing that are sabotaging any chance you had at actually enjoying work. If you are guilty of these seven things, make an effort to stop doing them. When you do, you may just find that you actually like work more than you thought you did.

  1. Working without breaks
  2. Striving for perfection
  3. Ignoring personal well-being
  4. Resisting feedback
  5. Comparing yourself to others
  6. Sticking to your comfort zone
  7. Fearing failure

Source: HackSpirit

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