Things You Should Know Before Getting Married...From a Divorce Coach

What’s the key to a successful marriage? There’s no one-size-fits-all recipe, but divorce coach Aaron Kaplan has seen some common trends. “I hear time and time again from my clients how they essentially jumped into marriage only to realize later in those same marriages, that there were so many things they wished they had known before they said I do,” he says. “Granted hindsight is always 20/20, but in my work as a divorce and relationship coach, I have noticed approximately 7 things that I consistently hear my female clients say during coaching sessions that they wished they had known before walking down the aisle.”

So, what are these seven things he says are important to know before you tie the knot?

  1. The realities of a real marriage
  2. Why knowing yourself is important
  3. The importance of waiting
  4. The role your in-laws will play in your marriage
  5. How bad behavior can get worse
  6. How money works in a marriage
  7. What it takes to make a marriage succeed (and that it’s a matter of trial and error to figure this out)

Source: YourTango

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