Don't Talk About These Things If You Want to Be Respected

We all want to be respected. Whether it’s in a professional environment, a personal one, or a relationship, respect is important. How you portray yourself and how you speak and react to things are all important parts of how you can build respect.

Of course, honest and open communication is important. However, there are some topics that you shouldn’t casually bring up as they can be seen as inappropriate or rude. If you want to be respected, make sure you don’t talk about these things, as it can hinder other people’s respect for you.

  1. TMI about your personal problems
  2. Baseless gossip about other people (or even gossip that’s likely true)
  3. How much money you do or don’t have
  4. How impressive your personal achievements are
  5. Incessant negativity
  6. Controversial opinions and beliefs
  7. Your social media accounts
  8. Braggy comparisons
  9. How bad everyone else is at what they do
  10. Your personal agenda, whatever that might be

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Source: Bolde

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