Signs You're Making Single Life Harder for Yourself

Being single can be a ton of fun. But it can also feel like you’re getting nowhere. You keep going on dates or matching with someone on apps, and it keeps going nowhere. It’s easy to get discouraged. Single life can be hard!

You may also be making it harder for yourself without realizing it. There’s some habits that you may be doing that are making being single rougher than it has to be. What are these behaviors?

  1. You overanalyze everything
  2. You compare your single life to everyone else’s relationship status
  3. You say yes to every set-up
  4. You think “the one” will fix everything
  5. You’re overwhelmed by dating apps
  6. You’ve made a checklist for the perfect partner
  7. You avoid going out unless it’s a date
  8. You’re hung up on your ex
  9. You feel like you’re on a timeline
  10. You believe being single means being lonely

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Source: Bolde

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