10 First Date Rules Successful Daters Follow

First dates are a mix of excitement and nerves. You’re so excited to be going out with a potential match… but you’re also super nervous. What are you going to talk about the entire time? Are they going to like you? Will it be awkward? Are you going to say the wrong thing?

All these questions – and more – are probably swirling in your head. It’s important to ease your nerves before going on the date! You want to make a great first impression, and you’ll do that by being yourself. To help, here’s 10 rules that the most successful daters follow on a first date.

  1. They speak up and are decisive
  2. They don’t wear things that they can’t walk, eat, breathe, or talk in
  3. They’re on time
  4. They don’t drink too much
  5. They don’t obsessed over their appearance
  6. They put their phones away
  7. They ask questions
  8. They offer to pay
  9. They don’t stalk after the date
  10. They give off positive energy

Source: YourTango

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