How to Stop Caring What Other People Think

In today’s day and age, the quest for validation seems to be everywhere. From getting a ton of likes on our pictures to upping our follower count to getting kudos in the workplace, it’s like a marathon that never ends.

It’s important to not get trapped in this cycle. It’s important to remember our self-worth and be our authentic selves. It’s important to stop seeking approval from others and instead seek approval from ourselves. This can all be easier said than done, but it is possible. Here are some ways for you to stop caring about what other people think.

  1. Know thyself.
  2. Recognize the approval trap and don’t get sucked in by it.
  3. Set personal boundaries and hold people to it.
  4. Seek internal validation (because that’s the kind that matters).
  5. Limit social media time.
  6. Surround yourself with genuine people.
  7. Understand that you can’t please everyone.
  8. Practice self-compassion.
  9. Prioritize personal growth.
  10. Reflect on and celebrate past achievements.

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Source: Bolde

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