People Share The Best Relationship Advice They Got From Their Moms

Sometimes there are pieces of advice that are great ones that we should follow, especially when it comes to relationships. “YourTango” readers are sharing the best pieces of relationship advice they’ve gotten from their moms and you just may want to listen to their moms, too.

  • "Some time in high school or college, I was crazy about someone and she told me, 'When you grow up you can't be with the person you love all the time. You have to get used to being apart.' That was good advice at the time. Now it seems like common sense; it wouldn't be healthy to be with the person you love all the time."
  • "Mama told me, 'Watch out for the bad boys because they rarely turn out to be good husbands.'"
  • "You can't change your partner. Either accept him as he is or go your separate ways."
  • "A good friend's mom once famously said that it's just as easy to fall in love with someone rich as someone poor."
  • "My mom's love advice basically amounted to 'This is it. Once you're married, you can never get out,' and, 'Make sure you've explored all your options before committing to just one.'"
  • "In life and in love, it's easy to know what is right and what is wrong. The hard part is following through on those choices. Honesty always works out in the long run."

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Source: YourTango

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