Married Women & the Sacrifices They've Made for Their Marriage

We all know that relationships take some sacrifice. Redditor u/Lazya**ed12 was curious about this and asked fellow Redditors, "To happily married women: What is a major issue you have had to forgive and move past to have a long and happy union?" Married women got real and shared their sacrifices.

  • "I’ve had to accept that my partner and I agree on major things, but disagree on a lot of minor things. We can see situations very differently and I appreciate his view on issues I have rather than the fact he’s a 'yes man' in the relationship. But OMG sometimes it would just be nice to not have to explain my view to him. We both have a bad habit of assuming the other person knows exactly how we feel (which has made our communication way better), but it can be frustrating."
  • "He had to learn (and thankfully did, but not without many arguments) to not feel that his first responsibility was his mom and brothers. It took 10 years to put his partner and kids first. It’s been 10 more blissful ones since."
  • "My father-in-law living with us. My wife and I generally get along and agree on most things, and simply resolve any issues. However, about five years ago, my father-in-law had to find a place to stay ASAP in the middle of winter because the place he was renting burned down. It was supposed to be temporary until he got his feet back on the ground, but then his health took a sudden turn and now he's with us until he croaks."

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Source: Reddit

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