Silly Excuses Employers Gave For Not Hiring Someone

Anyone who’s ever had to look for a job knows how difficult it can be, but sometimes you get lucky and find the perfect position, only to be told you’re not getting hired for an absurd reason. It seems a lot of people have had this experience, based on their responses to a Reddit post that asks, “What’s the most laughable reason you’ve been turned down for a job?” These are some of the craziest excuses they were given.

  • "I walked into the interview, sat down, and the guy looked at me, and the first thing he said was, 'I'm not hiring you; you're not aggressive enough.' I said 'okay' and left."
  • "It was because I wasn’t comfortable sharing a hotel room with someone I don’t know for out-of-state training. The roomie in question? A 40-year-old man, while I was a 25-year-old woman and newly married."
  • "I was offered a job, but it was immediately revoked because I told her I would need to give notice at my current job."
  • "I was turned down for someone who came to the interview in a dirty shirt because I was 'too intelligent' and would 'leave within six months for a better opportunity.'"
  • "Some job recruiter gave me shade because I wore a red jacket to my interview, and she specifically said that's why I wouldn't be right for the job."
  • "I was 'too qualified' for the job. After getting unanimous approval from everyone that interviewed me, the hiring manager turned me down because it was too easy to promote me and raise my pay. That’s literally what they said to me."
  • “They told me, 'You don't have reliable transportation.' The job site was literally two blocks away from my house."
  • "They told me, 'I'm not hiring you because your Achilles is strained and you need a cane to move around.' For a data entry job."
  • "I wouldn’t hold the interviewer’s hand and asked him to please not touch me. It was a lab job studying fertility, and he wanted to hold my hand while explaining the four phases of the menstrual cycle to me (I’m a woman). He told me I was a beautifully qualified candidate and that he would’ve picked me had I been friendlier. Ew. I was only 20 at the time."
  • "I once went to an interview for a sales job at a car dealership. I was told to sit and wait for the manager, and even though I arrived at the specified time, 45 minutes went by. Eventually, I get asked to go to the manager's office. Inside, he tells me that I failed the interview, which was a shock because it hadn't felt like it had started yet. And he was like, 'I've been observing you since you got here,' to which I replied, 'I've been waiting since I got here.' He goes, 'That's the problem.'"

Source: Reddit

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