If They're Using These 8 Phrases, They're Probably Lying

Sometimes it’s easy to spot a liar, especially if you know their “give.” But other times, it can be harder. Liars, especially ones that do it frequently, can be hard to read.

You think they’re lying and you want to call them out on it. But it’s such a slap in the face if you confront them about it and are wrong. So how do you know if they’re actually lying? There’s no 100% way to know without having a conversation with them, but there are some phrases that liars typically use. If they’ve used any - or multiple - of these phrases on you, they very likely are lying.

  1. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
  2. “As far as I can remember.”
  3. “You’re remembering it wrong.”
  4. “You’re making this up.”
  5. “What do you mean?”
  6. “That doesn’t sound like me.”
  7. “I can’t remember doing that.”
  8. “Are you calling me a liar?”

Source: HackSpirit

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