People Share the Jobs That Are Dealbreakers in a Potential Partner

Everyone has their own likes and dislikes in a partner, and sometimes their job can play a part in that. Redditor u/Electrical-Ad1288 was curious about this and recently asked, “[w]hich careers would you find unattractive in a prospective partner?” and here are the jobs that people did not want their potential partner to have.

  • "Any careers that would have them away for long periods of time, like flight attendants or long-haul truckers."
  • "Medical debt collector. Scum of the earth."
  • "'Influencer.' First of all, they influence nothing and are sheep following the crowds. Second, I believe in living in the moment, can't stand the thought of cameras everywhere all the time, and I wouldn't want to be part of their stupid, mindless meme videos. There are already enough cameras recording everywhere — why would I voluntarily invite more?"
  • "People say law is rough to be married to, especially in the early years, when you’re doing tons of overtime."
  • "Doctors. I've dated enough of them to know they suck! Sure, they can help in some situations, but their attitudes are just not worth it. They want an employee, not a wife. I'm not about that crap."
  • "If the main goal of your job is to make money, I'm out. Salespeople, bankers, a share of businesspeople, these are not my types at all."
  • "Sales. It takes a certain personality type to be good at sales, and I find that personality pretty annoying."

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