A Dating.com Survey Reveals How Social Media Impacts Dating

No matter how many dating apps you’re on, you might have better luck meeting someone through social media, a new survey suggests. Dating.com’s new poll gives insight into the impact social media has had on dating and the results reveal it’s going down in the DMs, as 47% of respondents say their relationship started because their partner decided to shoot their shot in a private message on social media.

Key findings from the survey include:

  • More than half (55%) of men believe “sending likes” is an effective way to make a connection online that can transition into real life.
  • 58% of respondents have used a social networking site that’s not for dating, like LinkedIn and Instagram, to find and meet new partners.
  • People like to snoop, as 60% admit they’ve looked through their partner’s social media apps without their knowledge.
  • More than a third (40%) feel their current S.O.’s social media profile is an “ick.”
  • Nearly three-quarters (72%) say social media has been a source of conflict in their current or previous relationship.
  • 42% blame their partner’s infidelity on connections made through social media.
  • Half (50%) admit to fighting with their partner about still having an ex’s photos on their Facebook or Instagram pages.
  • To “hard launch,” or announce their relationship, 79% use social media.

Source: Yahoo Finance

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