People Confess the Dumbest Things They Were Afraid of as Kids

We were all scared of stuff when we were kids, even if we don’t want to admit it now. Some of those things seem pretty silly now that we’re adults and a Reddit thread has people confessing them. These are the “dumbest” things people say they were afraid of as a child.

  • "The 'Cheez-It Man.' He was made up by my dad so I'd stop eating all the Cheez-Its. If he saw you taking Cheez-Its...well, I don't remember what was supposed to happen, but I was terrified of him, and that's all I remember."
  • "I was terrified I was turning into a chicken. I kept finding little white feathers on me. Nobody told me what down jackets were."
  • "In first or second grade, we were told we would be 'holding a fire drill.' I got very concerned because I didn't know how to use a drill."
  • "When I was really young, I was afraid of big leaves. I had no problem jumping into leaf piles in autumn, and small leaves didn't bother me. But I'd stay away from plants that had big leaves, and I remember going inside and asking my mom to get a big leaf out of the yard so I could play. I have no idea what it was that made me so afraid of them."
  • "The PS2 startup sound. I used it to play games and watch DVDs, but I would turn it on, run and hide, and wait for the 'scary part' to be over."
  • "The boat scene in ‘Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.’"
  • "‘The Ring.’ Which I never even saw. Someone recapped it, and it haunted me for years…"
  • "My brother and I used to set our stuffed animals and toys up and stare at them from a long distance using binoculars. We would take turns, but each of us could only last a few seconds before freaking out, squealing, and handing off the binoculars because we were just CONVINCED that they were going to start moving or looking in our direction."
  • "When I was a kid, I watched a TV show about spontaneous human combustion while I was sick with the flu, and I was 100% CONVINCED I was going to burst into flames. The fever dreams afterwards did not help."
  • "UFOs. The first time I saw a spotlight in the sky (it was a car dealer having an event), I nearly passed out. I was probably around 10 years old."
  • "I was terrified of Santa Claus as a kid. He just looked big and scary to me. He used to freak me out to the point of tears!"

Source: Reddit

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