Women Reveal Inconveniences That Ruin Their Day

Some days, the tiniest thing can turn your good mood into a bad one in a matter of seconds. A Reddit thread digs into this by asking, “Women, what is the smallest inconvenience that can ruin your day?” The responses are filled with things we deal with all the time and these are some of the most relatable.

  • "When I’m crawling into bed and I use the remote to turn on the TV...then I put the remote down to adjust the blanket or take a sip of my drink or whatever, then...poof. The remote disappears into another universe and I pat down my entire bed, reach under my butt, flap out the blanket hoping the remote will come wafting out...until I finally, after 477 years of patting and wafting, I finally stand up and the remote is RIGHT THERE where I left it."
  • "A zit forming on the inside of my nose."
  • "When my pants pocket, headphones, shirt, hoodie pocket, or bag gets stuck on a door handle as I walk by. I go full Thanos."
  • "Anything from a paper cut to a smashed thumb or a kitchen burn. It's the worst because then it gets bumped over and over again all day long."
  • "Thinking my hair can go just one more day without a wash and then it looks like crap when I'm getting ready and it's too late to do anything about it 😩."
  • "Breaking just hard enough my purse falls out of the car seat and my stuff goes everywhere."
  • "Waking up to realize that your phone didn’t charge overnight and you have no charger at work."
  • "When you bite the inside of your mouth and then you have that lump of flesh that you keep accidentally biting again, setting back any healing progress and experiencing the pain all over again."
  • "If I leave the house without a claw clip or a perfectly stretched out hair tie or scrunchie.
  • "When you drop something, pick it up, and it falls again. Full on rage."
  • "Forgetting my water bottle at home, it literally messes up all my day, it’s like my emotional support bottle 😅."
  • “When you come back home from grocery shopping and you realize you forgot something when you start cooking”

Source: Reddit

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