Sleep Experts' Three Steps to a Good Night's Sleep

Even though we know how important getting good quality sleep is, the average American is getting fewer than seven hours a night, which is the bare minimum recommended for an adult. There’s a lot of information out there about what will help you get a good night’s rest, but it can be more confusing than helpful. To clear things up, sleep experts are sharing their top secrets to snoozing blissfully.

  • No heavy, protein-rich meals right before bed - According to clinical sleep educator Lauri Leadley, eating food like that before bedtime can cause the body to work harder to digest it, which can lead to discomfort and trouble falling asleep. She says protein can also stimulate the production of certain neurotransmitters, which makes it harder to relax and fall asleep.
  • Avoid overwatching the clock - When you wake up in the middle of the night, do you immediately look at the clock to try to figure out how many more hours you should be sleeping? Try to break the habit because sleep technologist Cali Bahrenfuss says that it puts “extreme pressure” on you to get back to sleep right away, and when it doesn’t happen, it makes you even more upset. If you can avoid overwatching the clock, it will eliminate this stress response and frustration.
  • Get out of bed when you’re not sleeping - You might think that laying in bed will help you start snoozing faster, but it can have the opposite effect. If it’s not happening after 30 minutes, the experts advise getting up and going back to bed later.
  • Keeping the bedroom nice and cool and using lighter bedding are also recommended by these experts.

Source: Newsweek

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