Twitter Thread Reveals The Worst Ways People Have Been Dumped

Breakups can be painful and agonizing, and sometimes include us feeling the need to become a detective on the hunt for clues on social media as we wonder what went wrong. People on Twitter are bravely sharing their terrible tales after user Shannon Woodward tweeted, “What’s the worst way you ever got dumped?”

  • “Found a note where the stereo used to be. It read, in its entirety, ‘I've decided it would be best if I split.’”
  • “When I moved to LA and no one came to pick me up lol”
  • “Immediately after date night at the movies. We saw ‘The Lobster’”
  • “My first long-term GF was studying in France for a semester & we planned a 2-week trip where I could visit her for pretty cheap! The 3rd night into the trip she says ‘I love someone else now and I think we should be just friends’ Feels like that could have been an email”
  • “I got an email while I was working my internship at NBC (yes, at 30 Rock) with the subject line: ‘Brandon would like to remove you from your shared AT&T plan’”
  • “My fiance's secretary sent me an invitation to his wedding reception after his surprise elopement. I was startled, to say the least, as I did not recall eloping. [I sent the happy couple a 79 cent turkey baster. It was unacknowledged.]”
  • “By making me read a poem she’d written about some other guy she was hooking up with.”
  • “2 minutes into a 15 minute ride in an Uber pool with two strangers who were clearly a couple. I was in the front seat. I’ll never forgive the driver for not just swerving into oncoming traffic out of sympathy.”
  • “She invited me to her place and showed me a bunch of baby stuff and said ‘I’m pregnant’ then laughed and said ‘oh it's not yours tho’”
  • “Easter Sunday. BF asks me to come to the county jail to help bail his friend out. I bail friend out of jail. As we are waiting for him to be released BF says…oh. by the way, I met a real girlfriend!”

Source: Twitter

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