You’ve been with them for a while and things are going great… but you notice that they’re still super secretive with their phone. This isn’t automatically a red flag, but there are some things that are signs that something’s up. If they’re doing these things with their phone’s, it’s not your imagination – it’s pretty shady.
- They’re always on their phone when you’re there.
- They put their phone face-down when you’re around.
- They keep their screen out of your line of vision.
- When you ask who they’re messaging, they’re nonchalant and nondescriptive.
- They look at their phone as soon as they get a notification.
- As soon as they read their messages, they put their phone away pronto.
- They’ve stepped up their social media game.
- They get all kinds of flirty comments on their Instagram pics.
- They refuse to post photos of the two of you on social media.
- They take their phone with them everywhere.
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Source: Bolde