Things Hairstylists Won't Do to Their Own Hair

We put our hair through a lot, from coloring to curling to straightening to braiding, so taking care of it is crucial. Keeping your hair healthy is important throughout your life, and even if you know the basics, you may still be doing things that aren’t great for your strands.

Hairstylists say these are some things they’d never do to a client’s hair, or their own:

  • Applying conditioner at the roots - While you need to focus on your scalp for washing away dirt and oil with shampoo, it’s the ends that really need conditioner. So keep it away from the top of your head.
  • Skipping conditioner - You moisturize your skin after washing it, right? Well, your hair needs moisture, too, and that comes from conditioner, so don’t skip this step.
  • Only using sulfate-free shampoo - Products without sulfates don’t strip the hair as much as those with sulfates, but hair pros say both have a place in a healthy hair routine. If you have a dry or flaky scalp, using a shampoo with sulfates can help clear up those issues. Sulfates can also help give you a deeper clean, which you need from time to time.
  • Skipping heat protection - To help avoid heat damage from hot tools like curling irons and straighteners, you need some kind of heat protection product. Spritz it on your strands before styling and your hair will thank you.
  • Skimping on product quality - You can find affordable hair tools, but sometimes, you get what you pay for. Do your research, especially when it comes to hot tools, so you don’t wind up damaging your hair just to save a few dollars.
  • Turning the temperature of a curling iron or flat iron all the way up - Frying your hair is never a good thing and that’s exactly what you’re doing by turning these tools up to their highest setting. Stylists recommend setting it at 350 or lower to prevent damage before it happens.
  • Ignoring maintenance - To keep your hair looking its best, you need to stay up-to-date on cuts and trims, as well as deep conditioning treatments and color touch-ups. Your hairstylist would never let their roots get too out of hand or go months without trimming the ends of their hair and you shouldn’t either.

Source: Huff Post

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