Everyday Things Women are Tired of Dealing With

I'm sure being a woman is amazing, but that doesn’t mean there are no downsides. Some things in life are hard just because you're female and Redditors are calling them out. A thread in the AskWomen community asks, “What’s something you wished you never had to deal with as a woman?” And these are some of the most-relatable responses.

  • "Biology. I would just like to go to the baby store and order one baby, please."
  • "Beauty standards … Can I just live my life without thinking about what someone else might think of me?”
  • "Being seen as silly and inferior when voicing my opinion during serious issues."
  • "Being overlooked at work, especially as a young woman. Like, please, I know my sh*t — just let me do my job. Also, being interrupted."
  • "Sexual harassment for just existing. I’ve been sexually harassed at work, running errands, literally just minding my business, and I’ve been leered at, followed, and had nasty things said to me."
  • "Answering people why I'm not interested in getting married before turning 30 — because it's ok for men to get married after 30 but not for women."
  • "My worth being defined by how attractive I am."
  • "Pregnancy. Periods. They are the worst. I would like to shut my period off and then restart it when I have kids without horrible hormones and their side effects.”
  • "Constantly being told my accomplishments are impressive...for a woman."
  • "The notion that 'women aren't supposed to be hairy,' but it's okay for men. If I wasn't supposed to be hairy, then why do I grow body hair? And if I don't shave, I get weird looks, and so many men would refuse to consider me as a partner. The whole thing is exhausting."
  • "The way literally EVERY person I’ve told that I don’t and will never want to have children has said, 'Oh, well, you never know. You may change your mind!'"
  • "Being afraid to run alone or go for a walk alone or walk out to my car after work alone or travel alone."
  • "The gender pay gap. Knowing that I'd be making 10% more if I were a man makes my blood boil."

Source: Reddit

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