First Date Safety Tips For Women...From Women

Dating can be downright scary sometimes, and we don’t just mean how it feels to put yourself out there and go out with someone new. Dating apps do make it easier to meet people, but they also make it easier to match with some sketchy people. Women are sharing their best safety tips for first dates to help you feel secure while you’re looking for love, or just a decent person to have dinner with.

  • "I now always avoid suggesting places that I go to frequently for the first couple of dates. I had a bad first date at one of my favorite coffee places, and then the guy showed up there two times after that, possibly to see if I was there. My friend worked there and told me about it."
  • "Always tell them that you have somewhere to be after the date. It stops any expectation, gives you a definite out, and as a bonus, if it IS going well and you want to stay, they’ll think you bailed on your other plans for them!"
  • "If you drove there and the date made you so uncomfortable that you’re worried they may follow you home, drive to the closest police or fire station. Park in their parking lot for around 15 minutes or until you feel safe driving home. You don't have to go in, and odds are, the person won't wait or continue following you. If anything does happen, you're right where you need to be."
  • "I use Google Voice for anyone I meet on a dating app until I'm comfortable. It connects to an email account and is a lot easier to block people on if things go south."
  • "If you’re getting dropped off at home by your date or a cab/Uber/taxi/Lyft, tell them you're staying with or getting dropped off at a friend's house. That way, they won’t think you’re going home to an empty place and will believe — if anything should happen — that someone is expecting you and will notice your absence immediately."
  • "Always meet at a public place, and buy something with one of your cards while you're there. Should anything happen, your bank history will give an idea of where you were."
  • "Trust your instincts and get out if you don't feel safe or if you sense something is 'off.'”

Source: BuzzFeed

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