The 7 Types Of Exes Everyone Has

Breakups come with the territory when you’re dating and while some break your heart and others make you feel relieved, they all leave us with an ex. And according to author Lucy Vine, there are actually seven types of exes that we all deal with. She’s written a book on the subject, her latest novel is “Seven Exes,” and she walks us through what each kind of ex is like.

  • The First Love - Whether it was a crush you had from a distance or a high school sweetheart, we’ve all had one. “It’s usually a nightmare of immaturity and dysfunction, but oh-so exciting,” Lucy explains. She says first loves leave us with a mix of cringe at the mention of their name and turning into an awkward teenager again if we ever run into them in person.
  • The Work Mistake - You work with them side by side, sharing laughs over the boss’ bad breath and complaining about coworkers and then one night things get a little more intimate and personal. And the aftermath is always tricky and uncomfortable, reminding you why it never should’ve happened.
  • The Friend With Benefits - After insisting you’re just friends over and over, you cross that line and end up in bed together. While you agree that it’s just casual, one of you ends up catching feelings and it destroys the dynamic you had and it’s even more complicated when your friend group finds out.
  • The Missed Chance - Also known as the one that got away, Lucy says this ex “may be the most infuriating of all, because they’re not really an ex, even though they feel like one.” You may have had a moment with them or fell for them but the timing was never right for you both.
  • The Serious One - This is the person you were in a long-term relationship with and could maybe see yourself marrying. While you broke up in the end, thinking of them still gives you the warm fuzzies.
  • The Overlap - Nobody’s proud of cheating, but it happens. Your overlap ex may have given you clarity about your relationship or helped you realize you needed to break up. It may have only been emotional, not physical, but you still regret this ex.
  • The Bastard - This ex is the one that destroys your self-esteem and somehow still has you coming back for more. They’re unreliable, unavailable and probably ridiculously good looking and you’re better off when they disappear from your life once and for all.

Source: Metro

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