Surprising Ways Going To Live Music Shows Can Boost Well-Being

Pricey tickets, long lines to get in, get a drink and use the less-than-ideal bathroom situation can make you rethink going to a concert, but it turns out, there are actual mental health benefits to seeing live music. Sure, staying home and listening to your favorite artist for free is cheaper and easier, but these are some of the ways going to a show can boost well-being.

  • Concerts give you a sense of community - When you’re at a live show, you can connect with people from all walks of life in a shared experience. According to music therapist Kristen Stewart, listening to music together is a bonding experience that makes us feel “like a part of a larger and potentially meaningful whole.” Plus, research shows that clapping, singing and swaying to the same beat helps us feel closer.
  • Listening to music releases “happy hormones” - If you’ve ever felt an elevated sense of happiness at a concert, part of that comes from the release of “feel-good” hormones like serotonin, dopamine and endorphins that are triggered by listening to music. Singing along to your favorite artist could even bring down blood pressure, as well as other negative effects of stress on the body.
  • Concerts lead to higher levels of well-being - According to one study, concerts increase well-being by just over 20% after just 20 minutes of a performance, which is more than yoga (10%) or dog walking (7%). Study authors estimate that by seeing a show every other week, that boost in well-being could add nine years to your life!

Source: Well and Good

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