First Date Safety Tips You May Want To Follow

First dates are daunting for all kinds of reasons. But if you’re going out with someone you’ve never met before, like if you’ve met them on an app, there’s a safety concern mixed in there, too. The “Buzzfeed Community” is here to help, sharing the best first-date safety tips that they always follow. You may want to think of trying some of these, too.

  • "Decide on a code word with a friend. If you send that word to a friend during the date, they'll call with an 'emergency' to get you out of it. Potentially have another code word to have them come get you or meet at the location, too."
  • "ALWAYS drive yourself. I’ve had too many dates where the boy picked me up and then I was stuck there. If the date is going poorly or you’re uncomfortable, you always want to have a way to leave quickly. Or, conversely — if you don’t drive — have a friend on standby that can come pick you up if you text them."
  • "Always meet for the first time in a public place, like a bar or coffee shop. Make sure you know where the exits are, too."
  • "If you're getting a bad vibe, then tell someone at the location you're at. A waiter, a bartender, a random girl in the bathroom. They will help you, I promise."
  • "I work as a bartender, and there was a girl who showed up early for a date and told us that if she ordered a Manhattan, then she is uncomfortable. I've heard of 'angel shots' before, but think this is better, especially if it's in earshot of the date."

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Source: Buzzfeed

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