Happy Single Women Share Their Secrets To Staying Positive

Single women are often portrayed as being unhappy with their lives. But that’s not always true! A lot of people are proud of being single and are enjoying every single second. Three 20-somethings who are single, proud, and living happy lives shared their biggest secrets for staying positive with “YourTango.”

  • "When my ex and I first broke up, it was a sweatpants party for weeks. I couldn't be bothered to shave, shower, or get dressed unless it was absolutely necessary for work. But a friend eventually forced me into a routine of getting ready for me, and it feels amazing. Now I like getting dolled up and impressing myself — like, damn, you look amazing in those jeans!—and it'll just be icing on the cake when a new guy notices too."
  • "I never hit snooze. Instead, I wake up and immediately begin my day with something I love — reading, exercising, or making a homemade caramel macchiato. Doing something fun in the morning sets my whole day in positive motion. I think that's a good way for anyone to start the day, but as a single person, it's especially important to do this on the days you wake up feeling lonely. It's the best thing you can do for yourself."
  • "The worst part of being single is feeling like you're alone, right? So I make sure I never feel alone by staying in close contact with my friends. I have friends with whom I chat about my day at work, and those whom I regularly hang out with on the weekends so that I can beat those 'I'm going to be alone forever' blues."

Source: YourTango

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