Secrets People Didn’t Learn About Their Spouse Until They Were Married

You think you know someone pretty well by the time you say “I do,” unfortunately, that’s not always the case. BuzzFeed asked readers to share the craziest secret they learned about their spouse after they were married. People did not hold back and these are some of the secrets they discovered.

  • “After being married for six years, I learned that he had been sleeping with his non-biological sister … Needless to say, I’m no longer with him.”
  • "After five years of marriage, I found out that my husband's family had tried to take out a 'hit' on his ex-wife years earlier. They ended up not going through with it, but I ran like h*ll and have never looked back."
  • "My husband burned down his house for insurance money when he was married previously. No one ever found out."
  • "A letter arrived in the mail from a child support collection agency. Unbeknownst to me, my new husband had a child with another woman before we were married. Even with the arrival of the letter, he continued to deny the child was his, but I knew he was lying."
  • "That my husband had lied to the IRS and owed more than $50,000 to the government on taxes, and he married me to get my paycheck."
  • "He was addicted to dating apps and never stopped using them throughout our entire dating phase, relationship, and our marriage."
  • "First, he lied about graduating from high school. I was away at college getting my degree, and he pretended that he'd taken the ACT and scored at the same level as me. But, he didn't actually even get his GED until AFTER we were married, and he kept getting fired from multiple jobs. He had me creating résumés with fraudulent graduation dates and everything!"
  • "Two years into our marriage, I discovered that my now ex-husband had been a member of the KKK during high school, before he joined the military."
  • "He liked sex workers and would sleep with them in our house. I found out after seeing a video of it on my son’s iPad."
  • "My husband told me we couldn't fly to Hawaii for our honeymoon because his doctor diagnosed him with a heart condition. Turns out he was on probation and couldn't travel due to checking in with his PO."

Source: BuzzFeed

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