Experts Share The Things They'd Never Put In Their Dating Profile

Your dating profile is the first impression a potential match gets of you, so you want it to be the best that it can be, right? What better way than making sure of this than listening to the experts!

Dating expert and VP of, Maria Sullivan, and dating coach, breakup mentor, and certified energy practitioner Lindsay O’Brien shared the things they’d never put in their dating profile with “PureWow.”

  1. Group photos. It gets confusing – no one wants to work to figure out who you are.
  2. Signs of exes in photos. Even if they’re not an ex and the pic implies they’re an ex… no no.
  3. Selfies. They tend to not perform as well. Have a friend take a pic of you doing something you love – it’ll show off your personality, too.
  4. Skimpy, generic bios. “Share what you want your potential partner to know about you in a catchy way. The assignment is to sell you.” Lindsay says.
  5. Absolutely no details. You can tell when someone puts in no effort and for most people, that’s not the kind of person they’re looking for.
  6. Embellished facts. “Keep details such as height, age, location or occupation accurate, allowing potential matches to see the real you. You don’t want to create a false sense of who you are or struggle to perpetuate a lie,” Maria says.
  7. A list of what you don’t want. Instead, share the things you do Being positive is always more appealing.
  8. “Good vibes only.” “I advise my coaching clients that if you see this on a profile, it’s often a sign the person may be emotionally unavailable,” Lindsay explains.

Source: PureWow

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