People Are Sharing Tips For Saving Money on Groceries

If you’ve been in a grocery store lately, you likely gasped at the prices. They’ve gotten so high! But groceries are a necessary part of life, what can we do? Thankfully, members of the “Buzzfeed Community” have shared their money-saving tips when shopping for food.

  • "The easiest tips are the ones that work best: Pre-plan your meals and make a list of what you need to make those meals. Only buy what's on the list. In fact, don't even go down aisles that don't have things on your list. You can't be tempted by things you don't see."
  • "Shop at bulk stores like Sam’s Club and Costco, but split the quantity with a friend. That way it can help save on costs and not waste."
  • "Download whatever app the store has. There are usually extra online coupons that you won't get just for having a loyalty card or number. Also, you can check prices on those apps without actually going to the store."
  • "Have a few 'everything but the kitchen sink' recipes. Things like stir fry and pasta all can take different odds and ends."
  • "If your store has a rewards program, join it. You get special access to sales, and the rewards points add up to free groceries."
  • "Shop generic — especially when it comes to things like cleaning products and over-the-counter medicines. Ingredients are ingredients."
  • "I shop with a list, try to avoid going hungry, skip meat five to six days a week, and try to buy in season."

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Source: Buzzfeed

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