Small Ways To Show Your Partner Love & Appreciation

When was the last time you went out of your way to show your partner gratitude? If it’s been so long you don’t remember, it’s been too long. And we get it, life is hectic and busy, so doing something nice for your S.O. may not be a priority, but finding little ways to express your appreciation can make a lasting, positive impact on your relationship.

“Consistent small gestures go a long way to show your partner that you truly care about them and their feelings, increasing their sense of security in the relationship,” explains Maria Sullivan, dating expert and vice president of She says finding little ways to thank your boo and show your appreciation can help strengthen your emotional bond and help keep the romance and spark alive, as well as help ease frustrations.

While you could just tell your partner “thank you,” actions really do speak louder than words sometimes. These are some little ways you can show them how thankful you are to have them in your life.

  • Start the weekend by bringing them breakfast in bed.
  • Leave little love notes around the house or in their car.
  • Be specific and make eye contact when telling them how much you appreciate them.
  • Learn and use your partner’s love language.
  • Get up early and pack them lunch or surprise them at work with lunch.
  • Pick up their favorite treat or get them flowers.
  • Send love-filled texts randomly.
  • Offer to do their share of the household chores or a task you know they don’t like.
  • Spend quality time together doing something they love.

Source: Hello Giggles

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