Couples Counselor Shares Top 4 Complaints She Hears From Men

Samantha Rodman Whiten is a couple’s counselor, who hears lots of complaints about relationships from both men and women. She’s seen some trends come out of this that she’s sharing with “YourTango.” Here are the top 4 complaints she hears from men who are in couples counseling.

  1. “She doesn’t seem interested in me anymore.” This includes sex specifically… and everything else. Many say their wives no longer desire them, or seem interested in them at all including their opintions on things. Some even say they feel like their wives wouldn’t care if they had an affair, as long as they continued their other marital obligations.
  2. “She is too anxious about/focused on the kids.” This is a mix of those who have wives that suffer from clinical levels of anxiety and also of laid-back men who married Type-A wives.
  3. “There isn’t any fun, we are constantly rushing and it always feels like a crisis.” Women (and everyone) feel a lot of pressure nowadays to be able to juggle everything, while living in a fast-paced world. Men who feel this way tend to end up leaving the home physically and/or mentally since they’re so stressed about the environment.
  4. “She has let herself go.” Men who are focused on health and fitness themselves do feel sad and disappointed when their wife loses their interest in this.

Source: YourTango

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