10 Online Dating Rules You Should Swear By

Online dating can be fun for sure. But it can also be awkward, scary, and dangerous. That’s why it’s important to have some online dating rules. Here are ten rules to follow, especially when it comes to meeting someone from online IRL.

  1. Always meet in public. For the first date, you want a place you’re familiar with and a place that has people around.
  2. Take your own transportation. This way, if anything happens, you’re able to safely leave in your own car when you want to.
  3. Talk on the phone several times before meeting. It’s very different from just emailing or texting with someone and “proof” they’re a real person.
  4. Always disclose your location to a friend. Tell someone where you’ll be, just so they know.
  5. Keep your first meeting casual. You’ll not only be safer, but more comfortable too.
  6. Your first meeting shouldn’t count as a first date. It’s literally the two of you meeting IRL for the first time.
  7. Make a good impression. Put effort into your look but not as much as you would for a night out on the town.
  8. Listen to your gut. If there’s something that doesn’t feel right before you meet… don’t meet.
  9. Never travel more than 50 miles to meet someone. If you’re meeting someone out of state, both of you should agree to travel and make a vacation out of it.
  10. Don’t be afraid to have fun. It should be fun, after all! It’s OK to let your guard down a bit, just be smart about it.

Source: YourTango

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