Women Reveal The Last Straw That Made Them End Relationships

Breakups are rarely easy, but they often make for good stories later on. A thread on Reddit’s Ask Women section asks, “What was the last straw for you in your relationship?” These are the straws that broke the camel’s back for these women and make us glad we’re not the ones who had to deal with these partners.

  • “When a friend sent me a link to an ad, my then-boyfriend had put on the Internet, advertising us as a couple looking for another couple or man to join us in bed. I did not have any prior knowledge of this ad, nor did he have permission to include a photo of me in the ad.”
  • “When he touched me I cringed in disgust, like I was crawling in my own skin.”
  • “I sent him a long-winded message listing my ‘demands’ for our relationship to continue, things such as feeling respected and like he even cared were listed to give you some idea of what I'm talking about. His response? ‘I got it, I'll read it later and get back to you.’ Spoiler: he never did.”
  • “I found out he bought a house with another woman”
  • “I felt like the mother and not the girlfriend.”
  • “Weirdly it was external for me: it was losing the respect of my friends. I realize in hindsight I had no respect for myself, so losing myself into this dumb relationship felt like no loss, but losing my friends did. So grateful for them.”
  • “I realized he thought he didn't have to put in any effort anymore. Kind of that "well I've got her, so I can stop trying" mentality.”
  • “When I started noticing the ‘I will fix her’ and ‘she'll change her mind’ attitude from him”
  • “He asked if he needed to cancel his golf lesson the day that my mom died.”
  • “I just had an epiphany and realized that I shouldn't have to manhandle a man into acting like an adult.”
  • “Probably when he forgot he was married and acquired a girlfriend somehow.”

Source: Reddit

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