People Reveal The Most WTF Gifts They’ve Received

While we all hope to actually get things we want and/or need when someone gives us a gift, that isn’t always the case. In fact, sometimes a person gives you a gift and you’re left wondering what the heck they were thinking. 

Well, now some people are sharing times that has happened to them when someone on Reddit posed the question “What's the biggest WTF gift you ever received?” 

Responses include:

  • “My in-laws gave us a grill spit for Christmas. The same one we gave them. That they had used all summer. Parts were missing.”
  • “For my 22nd birthday, my girlfriend’s brother gave me a lamp. It had an oval wooden base, dark stain, an oval red woven lampshade. The…stem?…was deer feet, back to back. Ugliest damn thing I ever saw. Wish I still had it.”
  • “Definitely the bacon flavored lube.”
  • “My hubby wanted nose hair trimmer. My parents gave him a hedge trimmer. I still think it's hilarious.”
  • “Got a bag of milk for Christmas under the pillow tooth fairy style.”
  • “Jewelry belonging to my ex’s ex.”
  • “A pair of 3D glasses for a Sony 3D TV. But I don't own a Sony 3D TV.”
  • “For Christmas one year, my grandmother got my sister a $100 American Eagle gift card. I, on the other hand, was gifted a large bottle of Suave Essentials Coconut shampoo. It wasn’t even a new bottle, it wasn’t full.”

Source: Reddit

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