Parents Reveal What People Should Know Before Having Kids

Being a parent can be rewarding and fulfilling, but it can also be so challenging you want to quit, but that’s not really an option. So, BuzzFeed asked their readers to tell childless people what they need to know before having kids, so they know what they’re getting into. Here are some of their real and honest answers.

  • “You should know how damn hard it is not to let your own identity get lost in being 'Mom' or 'Dad.' Once you have a child, they become the most important person in your life, but you always have to keep a spot for who you were before kids. But it's a lot harder than it sounds."
  • “At some point, your kid will remind you of yourself, and not in a good way — your temper, your anxiety, your stubbornness, whether it's something you've outgrown or not.”
  • “There is no such thing as a day off. Do you have a 104-degree fever? Too bad — your little one still needs someone to make them food. Don't get me wrong — I love being a mom, but it's also the most exhausting thing I have ever done.”
  • “You're going to have to cut yourself some slack. Before I had kids, I had very strong opinions about what should or shouldn't be done when raising them. Then you realize that the handbook you drafted in your head isn't always practical or feasible — or it might work with one of your kids but not with the other.”
  • “I was not prepared for how much poop I would have to deal with. And you'll get spit-up in your hair, on your clothes, and if you're really lucky, like me, your baby will time it perfectly to spit up right into your open mouth. Fun times.”
  • “It's OK if you don't feel that wave of instant love happen as soon as the baby pops out. It simply doesn't happen to every parent. It's OK if having a baby doesn't make you feel like you're living in the bliss of parenthood.”
  • “They're going to tell you they hate you sooner than you think. Don't take it personally — they're just figuring out how their emotions work, and what makes other people feel as bad as they do. I always respond with, 'OK. I love you.'”
  • “You know the people who are always late to everything, so you tell them an event starts at 6 P.M. when it starts at 7 P.M.? You are now those people.”

Source: BuzzFeed

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