You're Not Really Grown Up Until You've Done These 11 Things

How do you know you’ve become a “real” adult? While there are things you may realize along the way, doing these 11 things will really show you that you’ve become an adult.

  1. Cleaned the toilet. They get dirty, you need to clean them, yourself.
  2. Washed the baseboards. Did you even know what the word baseboard meant before you were an adult?
  3. Stocked the medicine cabinet. Aspirin doesn’t just magically appear.
  4. Replaced the toilet paper. You also need to remember to buy it.
  5. Bought more printer cartridges. Or realized you need to own a printer.
  6. Washed the cabinet faces. Did you even know cabinets had to be washed?
  7. Replaced all cleaning products. You need to remember to buy detergent, soap, Windex, trash bags, etc.
  8. Sorted the laundry. This could mean sorting by colors before wash or sorting whose laundry is whose post wash.
  9. Designated a shoe area. It’ll probably be next to your door.
  10. Cleaned under the couch. Yes, you may even have to move the furniture to clean under it.
  11. Used Oxyclean. Or any other serious stain remover. That red wine stain won’t get itself out!

Source: YourTango

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