People Confess Secrets They Can’t Tell Their Partners

Do you have some embarrassing secret you’d rather take to the grave than admit to anyone, even your S.O.? Lots of us do and a thread on Ask Reddit has people confessing theirs. It asks, “What’s a secret you’ll never tell your partner, but are willing to tell strangers?” And based on the more than 20-thousand responses, people are ready to reveal theirs to strangers on the Internet.

  • “I never paid for her engagement ring. I went to a custom jeweler to have her ring made & it’s a beautiful piece and she loves it dearly, and it certainly wasn’t cheap - appraised and insured for around $10-thousand. I went to pay for it and the jeweler said, ‘don’t worry about it right now, just send me a check.’ For six months, I texted and called, but there was always a reason she couldn’t tell me the amount. After that, I figured I got the ring for free.”
  • “Our cat didn’t break the towel rack. I did … pretending to be fighting zombies.”
  • “Last night you made fried rice with shrimp. I ate the whole bowl even though it tasted nasty. God it was awful.”
  • “I got our toddler out of bed one morning and went to do a sniff test of their butt to see if they had poo’d overnight and when I lifted my child up I stuck their head in the ceiling fan.”
  • “It was an accident we met. I thought I was agreeing to see his friend, who was the other guy in the picture.”
  • “As a guitarist, my biggest fear is that after I die, my wife will sell my guitars for what I told her I paid for them.”
  • “Every time we're playing Yahtzee and she asks "do I have one more roll or was that 3" I always say one more regardless of the truth.”
  • “Sometimes I just sit in my car outside work or our apartment for 20 to 30 minutes because I just need some alone time.”
  • “When I asked her dad for his blessing I had some liquid courage first and I can’t remember what his response was. Let’s hope it was yes because we’ve been married for over 2 years.”

Source: Reddit

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