The 7 Deadly Sins Of Job Searching

Job searching is so hard, even when it seems like everybody is hiring. To help you get through it more successfully, here are seven common mistakes for you to avoid making.

  1. Not using your friends and contacts. You really are more likely to get a new job as a result of networking, not cold applying. Ask your friends, both online and offline, if they know of anyone hiring.
  2. Playing the numbers game. Don’t send an application to every job you see online; be strategic about it.
  3. Having obvious mistakes on your resume. Have someone else proofread your resume, cover letter, whatever to make sure there’s no errors.
  4. Not scrubbing your social media. Yes, potential employers may stalk your social media accounts to see what you’re really like.
  5. Having the stink of desperation. Seriously, desperation is unattractive to potential employers.
  6. Not being prepared for the interview. You should have some working knowledge of the company because you go to an interview.
  7. Taking rejection personally. A lot of times, it really is just a numbers game. You’ll likely never really know what the motivations behind hiring decisions are.

Source: Lifehacker

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