8 Signals You Can Spot From Texting That Mean They're Falling Hard

So you text all the time. But how do you know that they’re really falling for you? “Elite Daily’ is sharing eight signals you should look for that means they’re super interested in you, too.

  1. They reach out at significant times. Think morning when they wake up, nighttime before bed, or during an afternoon lunch break.
  2. They always get right back to you. You’re not constantly waiting for hours for a response.
  3. They keep you in the loop. They let you know what they’re up to or what they have planned for the day.
  4. They have a special language they use with you. Think cute nicknames, a special greeting, inside jokes, etc.
  5. They pay attention to your life. They ask or bring up things you mentioned a while ago or post on social media.
  6. They send you lots of memes and gifs. It shows that they know what makes you laugh.
  7. They ask lots of questions. They want to know what’s going on in your life and want to get to know on a deeper level.
  8. They want to talk outside of texting. Phone calls or FaceTime really does make things more intimate.

Source: Elite Daily

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