Therapists Share How To Meet Someone Without Online Dating

It may not feel like it, but it is still possible to meet someone IRL and not on a dating app. Relationship therapists shared their top tips on how to meet someone without online dating with “Self,” and here’s what they had to say.

  • Switch up your usual routine – even a little bit. If you’re going to the same places over and over again, the odds really aren’t in your favor to meet someone new. Even something small, like walking a different route, can help shake things up and expose you to new people.
  • Look (and act!) like you’re open to meeting new people. Your body language has a lot to do with how approachable people perceive you as. Being more in the moment (like not always having your AirPods in) will let people know you’re up for a conversation.
  • From there, start with low-stakes small talk. Instead of talking about the weather, try exchanging pleasantries or some witty remarks. Plus, by regularly striking up conversations, it’ll come more naturally to you in the future.
  • Work through your fear of rejection. Yes, it is easier to get rejected online when you only see the person’s pic or avatar. But you can’t let the fear of IRL rejection stop you from trying.
  • Remember why you’re doing all of this and have fun! It can feel like hard work going on date after date. But remember the big picture and remind yourself of why you’re doing it. Bad dates and rejection are usually par for the course.

Source: Self

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