Relationship Non-Starters: The Top 7 Least Desirable Traits

A new study from Csajbók and Berkics looked at and collected undesired partner traits. From this, they were able to look at things that people tend to avoid when seeking out new partners. Here are seven of the least desirable traits.

  1. People may care less about ambition if they’re looking for something more casual, but for long-term they want ambition.
  2. Things like being wicked, grumpy, malicious, or unfriendly.
  3. No one wants a partner that is dirty, messy or bad smelling.
  4. The ego needs to be left at the door. They found that men are less concerned about this compared to women.
  5. Overly dependent people are a turn-off. It’s more of an issue in short-term rather than long-term.
  6. Looks aren’t everything, but they are still a big factor for some people.
  7. Being abusive is definitely a no-go and was ranked as number one “must not have” dealbreaker.

Source: Psychology Today

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