Dating Beliefs Held By Confident People

Dating can be intimidating, and this can really shake your confidence. But there are some beliefs that confident people have that make them more desirable, in control, and on the right path to find that long-lasting relationship. Here are some of them.

  • They know the difference between someone who wants a relationship, and someone who doesn’t. No wasting your time wondering where the relationship is going
  • They can be themselves, no matter what. No conforming yourself to the other person or being scared to show your real self.
  • They know what they want and need from the get-go. They are comfortable asking and setting expectations on a date.
  • They know how to set boundaries. And how to keep them, too.
  • They know when to end the first date. Confident people tend to keep their date wanting more and know how to set the pace for the first date.
  • They know this isn’t their only chance at love. Love is a choice and if things don’t work out with this date, there will be others.
  • They don’t let their past predict their future. They know how to change strategies when things don’t work out.
  • They don’t worry about disagreements. Know how to communicate authentically about what is upsetting and take responsibility for own triggers.

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Source: Your Tango

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