Wedding Faux Pas That Make You A Rude Guest

Most people know the basics when it comes to wedding etiquette, like not wearing white or proposing to your partner at someone else’s wedding. But some rules are less obvious and people may not realize they’re being rude by doing them at a wedding. Etiquette experts share the faux pas to avoid as a wedding guest so you don’t look like a jerk.

  • Monopolizing the couple’s time - The newlyweds are trying to see all their guests, along with cutting the cake, dancing and toasting, so take a moment with them and let them carry on with their big day.
  • Making a spectacle - The attention should stay on the couple of the hour, which is tough when guests scream, fight, get sloppy drunk or announce that they’re pregnant. So don’t be that person.
  • Taking flowers - Unless the bride and groom, their wedding coordinator or another trustworthy source tells you to take flowers home with you, don’t do it. Same goes for taking a to-go plate.
  • Requesting songs - If guests are encouraged to ask the band or DJ to play requests, it’s fine. Otherwise, the couple probably has a pre-selected playlist for their reception, so let them enjoy that.
  • Oversharing - Another way to make a spectacle of yourself at someone else’s wedding is revealing embarrassing things from the couple’s past to other guests or in a speech. This isn’t the time or place for that, so keep it to yourself.
  • Not sending your RSVP - If someone is nice enough to invite you to their wedding, not responding to let them know if you’re coming is definitely rude.
  • Taking photos during the ceremony - If an announcement is made asking you not to take pictures during the ceremony, you’d better not snap any. And even if they don’t specifically ask, it’s best to put your phone away during the ceremony. The couple has most likely hired a professional photographer and they don’t want a bunch of pictures with everyone’s phones held in the air trying to capture a moment.

Source: Huff Post

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