Women Share The Pettiest Ways They Got Revenge On An Ex

We’ve all fantasized about doing something spiteful to an ex, but some women actually do. A Reddit thread in the “Ask Women” section has women confessing the “pettiest thing” they’ve done to get revenge on an ex. These are some of our favorite responses:

  • “When I left my ex, I took the toilet paper. I left him everything else. But he didn’t have a way to get to the store so I thought it’d be funny.”
  • “I stole one of each of his two favorite pairs of shoes”
  • “He cheated on me with a girl from his workplace that I got him a job at. When I found out, I hid cat sh*t all over his room, in places he would find, and places he’d never find. I poured out his expensive liquor and replaced it with water and flat coke.”
  • “Waited until he was on the last season of his show then kicked him off my Netflix account.”
  • “I gave my ex the house in the divorce so he wouldn't go after anything else ... The taxes on the house hadn't been paid for 5 years and right after my divorce he tried to refinance it and couldn't. Couldn't sell it either. He had to pay off the back taxes to do anything and it was a lot and I knew it.”
  • “When I renewed my Costco account I took him off of it, but didn't tell him.”
  • “I took all the remotes when I moved out.”
  • “Put open cans of tuna fish in the heat vents of his apartment and under the seats in his car.”
  • “I signed my ex up to the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ contact list.”
  • “We got into an argument and I took all of the light bulbs and left while he was taking a walk to cool down. I took the one in the fridge, the oven, I even took the vacuum because it had a little light. I loaded up my bag of clinking light bulbs and never went back.”
  • “Threw all his left shoes in the washing machine because he refused to help with laundry.”
  • “I signed over the title of my second car to him upon our divorce, but threw away the keys and left the dome light on so the battery was dead.”
  • “Stole their windshield wipers. Let God guide you thru the storm now....”

Source: Reddit

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