Advice From Couples Married 25+ Years

Ready for some real and honest relationship advice? “Fatherly” spoke to 25 people who have been married for at least 25 years about what makes their relationship work. And don’t worry, no cheesy cliches were mentioned.

  • Accept and allow: “You knew who your partner was when you got married, and you can’t change them.” – Lynne (married 31 years)
  • Imagine life without your partner: “Life would be possible without each other, but it wouldn’t be anywhere near as fun, special, or full of great moments.” – Jerry (married 30 years)
  • Crack jokes: We’ve stayed in love so long because we’re too busy laughing to be fighting.” – David (married 68 years)
  • Choose your own adventure: “The key is to know yourself and what you want before you pledge yourself to a partnership. Then, once you’ve found your match, run your marriage like a good company.” –Kathleen (married 31 years)
  • Do the work: “ Good marriages don’t just happen. They require a great deal of work and intention.” –Monte (married 40 years)
  • Learn each other’s love language: You can take the tests and stuff to figure out what each other’s love language is. That’s easy. The more fun part is finding out how you can try to speak to your partner using them every day.” –Gene (married 28 years)
  • Ask for space when you need it: “We’re not shy with each other when we need a breather. Sometimes it’s just a few hours with a good book. Other times, one of us wants to get a coffee and run errands on a Saturday. The key is being respectful about the request.” –Curt (married 36 years)

Source: Fatherly

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