Things To Do On A Friday Night Other Than Hit The Bars

Going to the bars every weekend gets old really quick. If you are completely over the bar scene – either for good or just this weekend, here are some alternatives that are perfect to do on a Friday night.

  1. Go to a concert. It doesn’t have to be a sold-out tour, but you can typically find live music anywhere.
  2. Have an adult sleepover. When was the last time you had a sleepover with fuzzy pajamas, a karaoke machine and junk food? If your answer is middle school, you’re long overdo.
  3. Have a bonfire. Summer is right around the corner and this can make for the best kind of chill night with friends, music, the stars, and some cold drinks.
  4. Cook with your crew. Instead of doing something basic like going out to eat, cook a homemade meal together and make an experience out of it. The more friends, the more food!
  5. Do a pizza crawl. If you could eat pizza around the clock then do a pizza crawl. It’s like bar hopping except you go from one pizza place to the next.
  6. Plan a paint night. It’s a great way to unwind and embrace your creative side.
  7. Get some sleep. Don’t feel pressured to have a fun and productive Friday evening. Sometimes being snuggled up in bed by 8:00 pm is the best way to do it.

Source: Elite Daily

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