A Third Of New Parents Think They Are Failing At Parenthood

Anyone who has ever been a parent will tell you that parenting is hard, and apparently a lot of new moms and dads are having a hard time living up to all that comes with having a baby. A new survey finds:

  • 82% of parents say they feel a huge amount of pressure to live up to what society expects of them as parents.
  • And social media isn’t helping, with 67% of new parents saying parenting forums, experts and more are making them feel like they aren’t doing a good job.
  • Another 32% say it’s actually making them feel like they are failing as a parent.
  • Parents are feeling such outside pressure that they have resorted to lying.
  • In fact, 38% say they’ve lied to others about their child’s development.
  • Another source of pressure is coming from parent friends, with 39% saying they have a friend who makes them feel bad about their child’s achievements.
  • That’s especially true when these mommy friends brag about their kids’ achievements.
  • Among the most annoying baby brags:
    • Baby sleeps through the night (55%)
    • Baby is already talking (44%)
    • Baby never cries (43%)
    • Doctors say my baby is advanced (41%)
    • Baby is so pretty it could be a model (36%)

Source: metro UK

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