Tired Of Dating Apps? Where To Meet Your New S.O. In Real Life

They say you always find love when you least expect it meaning… you won’t find it scoping out prospects on a dating app. Okay, you might be able to find love that way but if you’re feeling hopeless because of the lack of quality matches, it might be best to put your phone down and look up and around you instead. Here are some alternatives to online dating. (By the way, these are all ways real people met “the one” rounded up by “Pure Wow”).

  • Go to the dog park. If you have a dog of course.
  • Attend that wedding. You never know what eligible bachelors/bachelorettes you could meet.
  • Grab drinks at a bar. It’s the oldest trick in the book.
  • Join a league. There are leagues practically in every city that allow you to discover new talents and new people.
  • Go to work. Of course, you’ll want to respect HR policies.
  • Linger at your favorite coffee shop. Set up shop there if you work from home or the next time you go to read a book.
  • Let a friend set you up. After all, your friends should know you best.
  • Be open to new travel opportunities. There’s a good chance your soulmate isn’t in the same city as you so get out and explore the world.
  • Check-in with friends from college or high school. The one who got away doesn’t need to stay that way forever.

Source: Pure Wow

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