Our Favorite Valentine’s Day Candy Per State

A lot of women, and even guys, will be getting chocolates or candy for Valentine’s Day this year, but what delicious treat you get, or want, may depend on where you live. 

  • CandyStore.com has come out with their annual list of the favorite Valentine’s Day candy by state.
  • The list is based sales data from its online bulk candy store and industry partners.
  • Conversation Hearts made a big comeback last year, after not being sold at all in 2019 and with only limited production in 2020.
  • They represented 10.9% of all Valentine’s Day candy sold last year, as compared to heart-shaped boxes of chocolate, which was at 9.8%.
  • When it comes to states, 12 states had Conversation Hearts as their top Valentine’s Day candy, with another 35 states having them as their second or third top seller.
  • Heart-Shaped Boxes of Chocolate are actually the most popular choice for more states, 17 states, with another 20 having them in either second or third place.

Other popular Valentine’s Day Candy per state include:

  • M&Ms – number one in nine states, including Vermont, Oregon, North Dakota, New Jersey, Arizona, Kansas, Iowa, Maryland and Pennsylvania.
  • Hershey’s kisses – number one in five states, including Arkansas, Texas, Delaware, South Dakota and Utah.
  • Chocolate hearts – number one in Maine, Montana and Rhode Island
  • Chocolate roses – number one in Kentucky and Wyoming
  • Cupid Corn – number one in Nebraska, and two in Michigan
  • Candy necklaces – number one in Alabama only

Click here to see what is the most popular in your home state.

Source: CandyStore.com

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