Survey Says: Just 6% Of Women Feel "Generally Happy" With Their Bodies

“Good Housekeeping” surveyed over 4,000 women about their views on body image, weight, and dieting. The results were telling that as women, we still have a long way to go with forming healthy thoughts and habits around these subjects.

As it turns out, a majority of people are unhappy with their bodies.

  • 87% have dieted with the purpose to change their weight or shape.
  • 48% disagree or strongly disagree that they are happy with the way their bodies look and feel.
  • Only 6% strongly agreed that they feel generally happy with their bodies.
  • 60% say the way they feel about themselves is largely influenced by their weight, shape, or size.

People also revealed the extremes they’re willing to go to look a certain way.

  • 25% would trade an entire category of food.
  • 17% are willing to shave a year or more off their lives in exchange for their ideal body.
  • 13% would give up the chance to travel and see the world.
  • 3% would trade more than five years of their life.

On an even more serious note, many women admit to engaging in “disordered eating behaviors.”

  • 42% say when they eat certain things or a certain amount of food, they feel the need to “make up” for it.
  • 45% make food choices largely influenced by their weight or size, or a weight or size goal they want to achieve.

Source:Good Housekeeping

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