Redditors Share Proposal Rejection Stories

Have you ever heard about or watched a proposal that went wrong - as in the person said no? A Reddit user asked, “To those who proposed to a girl and were shot down in a blaze of awkward glory, why did you think they’d say yes?” Hundreds of responses have come in from folks who were turned down themselves and those who just watched as others were rejected. These are some of their cringe-worthy answers.

  • “She told me that she was so desperate to get married, she would marry anyone who asked, as long as he wasn’t the biggest loser on the entire planet. I learned something about myself that day.”
  • “I was at the Cheesecake Factory sitting where the tables are super close together. The guy at the table next to me got down on a knee between our tables (only, he barely fit and kept bumping my table). She was horrified he was asking and said no. They hadn’t even eaten yet, so they had the rest of their meal while bickering about the proposal. He kept yell-asking her what he should do with the ring now. Truly the most awkward meal of my life sitting less than a foot from that."
  • “My fiancé proposed a few months into dating, and I didn't know if he was just really baked or serious. So I said awkwardly, 'I'm not sure if this is real, but it's way too soon for that.' Poor dude was actually asking.”
  • “I did watch one once, and it was awful. Guy just won an amateur bodybuilding contest, and his partner came up onstage with him. He immediately dropped to one knee and asked her to marry him. She didn't say a word and started to shake her head no, and he started to weep onstage while still holding the microphone.”
  • “We were at a work party. We hadn’t been dating long, but I knew. Anyway, at some point, I grabbed a microphone and asked her. She said, 'Can we talk about this in private?’”
  • “I thought she'd say yes because she kept hinting at it, showing me pictures of rings she liked, etc. When I actually proposed, she said, 'You're too nice a guy for me.'”
  • "My dad was told no the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth time."


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