Most of Us Are More Exhausted Than Ever

Do you find yourself constantly yawning, with just an overall lack of energy? Well, you are certainly not alone.

According to a new Monster Energy survey:

  • Three in five Americans say they are more exhausted than they’ve ever been in their entire lives.
  • 59% say they feel disjointed and unfocused.
  • 55% say no amount of rest can solve the issue and help them feel focused during the day. 
  • Not surprising, 56% say poor sleep scheduling is the most common cause of their lack of energy.
  • Other causes include:
    • Long work hours (53%)
    • Staying inside too much during lockdowns (52%)
    • Too much screen time (46%)
    • Lack of routine in their lives (41%)
  • 59% blame spending too much time at home since 2020 for zapping their energy.
  • 34% say that since they’ve been working from home, activities that used to keep their energy up aren’t possible.
  • 69% say working from home has messed with their sleep schedule. 

Source:Study Finds

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